Stacy Van Horn

What is your current job title and responsibilities?
I am currently an Associate Lecturer and School Counseling Coordinator and Career Counseling Graduate Coordinator in the Counselor Education and School Psychology Program within the College of Education and Human Performance. I teach graduate students at both the master’s and doctoral level primarily in the areas of career development, counseling with children and adolescents, ethical and legal issues in professional school counseling, and coordination of comprehensive school counseling programs. I also supervise practicum students in the Community Counseling and Research Clinic (CCRC) on campus and the school counseling student- interns throughout Central Florida schools.
What is your history at UCF and before UCF?
I have served as a full time faculty member in the Counselor Education and School Psychology Program at the University of Central Florida for ten years. In 2011 I became the Coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Career Counseling and in 2014, I became the Coordinator of the School Counseling Program. Prior to my position as a Counselor Educator, I worked as a professional school counselor in Orange County Public Schools working with diverse students, teachers, and families in Central Florida. I have experience in creating and coordinating comprehensive, developmental school counseling programs at both the elementary and middle school level. In addition, I have collaborated with exceptional education school personnel on developing strategies and counseling approaches for exceptional education students. My current research interests include training and supervision of professional school counselors, counseling interventions with diverse children and adolescents, and the role of professional school counselors in providing effective career development in schools. I have presented at national, regional, state, and local counseling conferences, including American Counseling Association, Association for Specialists for Group Work, American School Counseling Association, the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Florida Counseling Association, the Florida School Counselor Association, and invited presenter at the Florida Association for Gifted Children.
What is your academic background?
I earned my B.A. and M.Ed. degrees in Elementary Education with a Specialization in Children’s Literature and Psychology through the University of Florida’s ProTeach Program. I continued to earn my Ed.S. degree in School Counseling and Guidance, including additional coursework for licensure in mental health counseling. After working years as a Certified School Counselor I went back to the University of Florida in Gainesville and earned my Ph.D. degree in Counselor Education and Supervision.
What is your favorite UCF memory?
My favorite memory is on graduation day when I head backstage to chat with students in the hallway awaiting to enter the arena. All of their hard work and commitment is being recognized and they are full of optimism and excitement. Their smiles say it all!
If you could change one thing at UCF, what would it be?
I would assign every faculty a personal parking space (and for good measure, waive the decal fee.) J
What is one piece of advice you would like to share with your colleagues?
I would encourage colleagues to reflect on their own experiences as a college student and use those memories to connect with the struggles and challenges that today’s students’ face.
If UCF was going to name something in your honor, what would you like it to be and why?
It would be nice to have a scholarship fund in my name to be awarded to dedicated individuals who want to pursue a degree in the school counseling field and want to make a difference in the lives of children, adolescents, and families.
If you could have lunch with anyone at UCF (who you do not normally eat lunch with), who would you choose and why?
I would love to eat lunch with KNIGHTRO and bring my kids along. They would get a kick out of it!
Who at UCF would you like to thank for your success?
I would like to thank all the students that I have had that taught me lessons. I have learned so much from their personal stories and that has made me a better educator, counselor, and person.
Name and describe a teacher or researcher from your past who truly inspired you and why.
My dissertation chair and mentor, Bob Myrick, inspired me to pursue an advanced degree and become a Counselor Educator. His love for teaching and his ability to inspire students to believe in themselves and to impact the lives of others has always remained with me. I think of his humor, enthusiasm, compassion, and heart and I aspire to be someone who can touch the lives of others as he did.
What undergraduate or graduate class/program/experience inspired you the most and why?
The most inspiring experience I can recall is when I took my graduate class to UCP–Bailes Campus in Research Park to work with students ages 5-9 on career exploration activities. I was so impressed with how easily they were able to connect, encourage, and motivate students. Following the experience, they shared how impactful it was to interact with students with such diverse and unique abilities and how this will forever impact their future work as counselors.
What is your favorite restaurant or food?
I adore sushi and my favorite restaurant is Sushi Pop!
What is your favorite movie, book or music?
My favorite movie is “The English Patient”
What is your favorite vacation destination?
Barcelona, Spain. I have not been there since my honeymoon (pre-kids), but I would love to go back and further explore the city and culture.