Roseann White

Associate Director & Professor, Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine Highlighted Faculty Fall 2012

– Associate Director/Professor
– Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine
– Associate Chair Molecular Biology and Microbiology Department
– Years at UCF: 43
– BS Chemistry, University of Florida
– PhD Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School

I came to UCF in August 1969 as an Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences when the university was in its second year and had only 1500 students.   I taught a variety of courses over the years, including Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Genetics and was awarded two TIPs.  I was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 1974 and Professor in 1984.  During our first few years with almost no research space or equipment, I drove to Cape Kennedy to complete atomic absorption trace elemental analysis as part of a NASA grant on solid rockets and acid rain.  Later I became involved in flavonoid research related to development of plant patents but in the 1980s moved into allergy and immunology research. Over my career, I was an invited fellow to the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, received over $530,000 grant funding, published 20 journal articles and over 80 abstracts/proceedings, and was awarded an RIA. When the Biological Sciences Department was split into two units, I and my colleagues developed a new BS program in Molecular Biology and Microbiology (now Biomedical Sciences) that grew from an initial 30 students in 1990 to over 2300 today. I feel very privileged to have played a major role in creating an outstanding program for our students who have exceled in their subsequent graduate and medical/health professional school programs.  After the arrival of Dr. Kolattukudy in 2003, I served in a variety of roles:  Associate Chair of Molecular Biology and Microbiology in COHPA, Associate Dean of the Burnett College of Biomedical Sciences, Interim Director of Pre-Health Professions Advisement, and currently as Associate Director of  Academics in the Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine

Contact Us

Linda Walters, Director of the UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty

Phone: 407-823-1113

Mailing Address
Center for Success of Women Faculty
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 160955
Orlando, FL 32816-0955

Physical Address
4365 Andromeda Loop N
Millican Hall, Suite 351
Orlando, FL 32816-1997

Internal Mail (UCF)
Center for Success of Women Faculty
MH 351