Christine Hanlon

Lecturer, Nicholson School of Communication, College of Sciences 2014 Womens History Month

What is your current job title and responsibilities?
Lecturer, Nicholson School of Communication, College of Sciences, UCF
I primarily teach a 4/4 load (4 courses each fall and spring semester) and serve on a variety of committees.  The best part of my job is working with students on individual projects, usually outside of our course assignments.

What is your history at UCF? (past job titles, responsibilities)
Lecturer, Communication (August 2013 to present)
Instructor, Communication (August 2003 to August 2013)
Adjunct Instructor, Women’s Studies (January 2002 to December 2002)
Visiting Instructor, Communication (August 2001 to May 2003)
Adjunct Instructor, Communication (August 1999 to August 2001)
Coordinator, Academic Support Services, Counseling & Testing Office (April 1999 to August 2001)

What is your favorite UCF memory?
My favorite UCF memories involve the success of my students, particularly those who earned the Order of Pegasus designation, those who earned ribbons in speech contests, and those who had successful convention experiences. Most recently, I was honored to work with students on an Alternative Break focused on an immersion experience about homelessness during the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday weekend.

If you could change one thing at UCF, what would it be? ($ and time no object)
If I could change one thing at UCF, I would provide each and every student with individualized instruction and mentoring opportunities.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with your colleagues?
UCF is a great organization that embraces innovation and change. Welcome changes and focus on the amazing opportunities those changes provide.

What is your favorite restaurant or food?
My favorite restaurant is The Melting Pot.

 If UCF was going to name something in your honor, what would you like it to be and why?
As an undergraduate student at Flagler College in St. Augustine, I was always inspired by all of the art and history of that campus. I am similarly inspired by UCF’s public art.  It would be amazing to have a sculpture garden in your name, so your named area could be a continuous source of inspiration to others.

If you could have lunch with anyone at UCF (who you do not normally eat lunch with), who would you choose and why?
I would love to have lunch with Dr. Cynthia Young. Her enthusiasm for research is contagious!

Who at UCF would you like to thank for your success?
I would not have had the opportunity to excel if it had not been for the continuous support of many leaders from the College of Sciences, particularly Carol Bledsoe, Bob Chandler, Tracy Dietz, Terri Fine, Rita Graham, Shari Hodgson, Mike Johnson, Boyd Lindsley, Mike Meeske, John O’Hara, Phil Taylor, and Bruce Whisler. Furthermore, I would like to thank my UCF colleagues. Our casual conversations have been more helpful than they realize. I would like to also thank the NSC staff for their support throughout the past 15 years of my teaching career. The UCF community has been unbelievably supportive and I particularly want to recognize the individual assistance of Melody Bowden (Faculty Center), Al Bross (Testing), Shirley Leckie (History), Eric Main (Faculty Center), Bill Phillips (Course Development), M.C. Santana (Women’s Studies), Betty Tallen (Diversity Initiatives), and Kevin Yee (Faculty Center).  Thank you also to the UCF students who heard about my research and brought interesting articles to my attention. I am also indebted to the University of Central Florida’s Faculty Affairs staff and Professional Development Leave committee for the release time and financial assistance necessary for completing my doctoral program at UF.

Name and describe a teacher or researcher from your past who truly inspired you and why.
There were many teachers who inspired me and acknowledged my intellect early in my education, particularly Mrs. Titelbaum (Burnell Elementary School), Sister Ann (Divine Mercy Catholic School), Ms. Lorraine Novak (Merritt Island High School), Mrs. Harrison (Cocoa Beach High School), Dan McCook (Flagler College – WFCF), and Dr. Robin King (Flagler College – Philosophy). Though I may not have acknowledged it at the time, I was empowered by the honors and knowledge that they bestowed upon me.

What undergraduate or graduate class/program/experience inspired you the most and why?
Phyllis Gibbs’ (Flagler College) Acting I course was a turning point in terms of my personal development. That course required that we mime in the streets of St. Augustine (yes – MIME!) for our mid-term exam. I dreaded that assignment and dropped the course in hopes that the requirement would be dropped for future semesters. On the day of our performances, I learned the importance of my internal motivation. My mind was the only thing that had held me back in the past. I learned that day that “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent” (Eleanor Roosevelt).




Contact Us

Linda Walters, Director of the UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty

Phone: 407-823-1113

Mailing Address
Center for Success of Women Faculty
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 160955
Orlando, FL 32816-0955

Physical Address
4365 Andromeda Loop N
Millican Hall, Suite 351
Orlando, FL 32816-1997

Internal Mail (UCF)
Center for Success of Women Faculty
MH 351